
Indirect Tax services

The field of Indirect taxes in India is very complex and dynamic because the Government makes frequent amendments in these Legislations which are federal and State specific. Additionally the tax position changes frequently due to various judicial pronouncements. The Firm provides advisory services in all areas of Indirect Taxes i.e. Service Tax, Customs, VAT/CST, Central Excise & EXIM, thus addressing Federal and State legislation issues simultaneously. Resultantly it’s able to provide a rounded view on various business and regulatory issues.
Specific reviews
The Firm undertakes specific Management reviews for addressing various Indirect tax issues. These reviews are undertaken with an objective of increasing profitability, effectively reducing impact of Indirect taxes, increasing availability of Indirect tax credit, determining adherence to government regulations, ERP system reviews, etc.
Litigation and Revenue Audits
The dynamic nature of Indirect tax legislations, leads to lot of tax controversies resulting in litigation with tax authorities. Additionally the tax authorities have also become more vigilant and increased the periodicity of their audits. All these activities tend to consume a lot of corporate time and effort. The Firm has assisted Clients in negotiating these controversies by making suitable representations at various Appellate levels. The Firm handholds clients through the entire audit process and acts as an interface between Client and Revenue authorities, thus saving resource and time for the Client.
Retainership services
The Firm provides retainership services whereby indirect tax functions of Corporates get addressed on a day-to-day basis by the Firm thus permitting the Corporate to focus only on business. In this area, the Firm takes care of all advisory and compliance requirements of the Client. These services are being successfully offered to lot of Corporates because of which they have been associated with the Firm for a long period of time. More importantly in a tax arena, knowledge of tax history is very important and here the Firm safeguards Clients against any manpower turnover which generally results in breakdown of past tax knowledge.
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